Berry Makes Cents

Follow my journey as I pay off my student loan by making money online

Budget review 8/16-8/31 and Budget for 9/1-9/15

When I look at other PF blogs, their budgets look more sophisticated than mine. I mean they are long and every penny has a place to go. I, on the other hand, plan my budget in a way that every $ has a place to go not “penny”. This works for me. Less pressure more freedom. However when I see other budgets, I sometimes still feel intimated. Anyways, here is my overview for last 2 weeks and budget for next two weeks.
Saving: 250/250

Retirement: 250/250

Rent: 655/655

Misc: 415/415

total: $1,570

Budget for 9-1/915

Saving $250

Retirement $250

Spending $500 (includes grocery, gas etc)

Student Loan $574

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Student Loan

Starting Balance'08: $30,970
Current 9/5/09:
Student loan #1: $7,995 interest:8.2%
Student loan #2: $4,500 interest: 1%
Student loan #3: $9,500 interest 3.9%
Total: $21,995


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