Berry Makes Cents

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10 days $10 per day challenge

I love overcoming new challenges. Today I realized there are still 10 days to next pay check. Tell me about living paycheck to paycheck ugh..Anyways, the challenge is to stay in my daily spending budget which is $10 per day. Whatever purchases I need to make, I will defer them unless they are “necessary” which I can only think of is gas. It should be interesting to see how far I can push my limits.

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How am I doing with my grocery?

Today is Tuesday and since Saturday I have not eaten out at all, including lunch. For me this is a huge success. However, I was wrong when I assumed I can feed my man with only salad for whole week. Yesterday I had to go Ralphs and buy pasta, more bread and stuffed pepper for him. I've learned couple grocery lessons that I'd like to share with you.
  • I've done meal planning before I went to grocery shopping which worked out perfect
  • I need to include more nonperishable items such as; pasta, beans etc
  • Trader Joe's is expensive. I will go to ethnic store for fruits and vegetables
  • Once a week I'll go to Trader Joe's, Ralphs and ethnic store. They are all close by sort of. For me the best day to shop is Monday after work.

Last 4 days I've been eating very healthy as a result of good meal planning. Spinach lasagna, smoked salmon sandwich, oatmeal (breakfast),mango&avocado salad, chicken salad with dried fruits and mixed green, lean cuisine ( for lunch), asparagus with rice and chicken. Yum!yum yum!

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Student Loan

Starting Balance'08: $30,970
Current 9/5/09:
Student loan #1: $7,995 interest:8.2%
Student loan #2: $4,500 interest: 1%
Student loan #3: $9,500 interest 3.9%
Total: $21,995


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