Berry Makes Cents

Follow my journey as I pay off my student loan by making money online


Have you ever made a list of your subscriptions? Unlike many I don’t subscribe magazines. My weaknesses lay on different kind of subscriptions. Honestly, for my magazine needs I go to Borders and spend few hours every month flipping enough magazine pages.
Here is my list; annual fee I think it was $80. Every time there is any change on my credit report, they email me. I like this subscription because it provides me peace of mind.

Cable, phone, internet $79 monthly. annual: $948 while this one is necessary not really negotiable in my book

Envy Massage
$59 monthly. Annual:$708 I know this is luxury item. But it feels really good when I get an hour massage once a month

Netflix $10 monthly. Annual cost: $120 I never rent a movie just simply order from Netflix. This service is the best thing ever. I rarely go to a movie theater to watch any new releases.

24 Hours Fitness
$199 annual Next year I am not planning to sign up again because now I have a swimming pool and a weight bench with enough dumbbells in my backyard so no need for gym membership. For cardio I am planning to run with my dog instead of treadmill.

Cell phone Tmobile average $50 per month annual $600

That’s it! Wow a lot huh? Annual total $2,655 . Next year I am not going to have gym membership which will bring down my annual subscription cost to $2,456. However, having said that nexy year I’d like to add some subscriptions related to my profession and I’d like to start horseback riding lessons once a week monthly $225 which seems not possible with my take home paycheck at the moment...

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Unknown said...

I don't think I have many subscription type things... I will have to take a look, good idea for a blog post. Thanks for including me on your "Favorite Berries" list, I will add you to mine. Nice to meet you!

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Student Loan

Starting Balance'08: $30,970
Current 9/5/09:
Student loan #1: $7,995 interest:8.2%
Student loan #2: $4,500 interest: 1%
Student loan #3: $9,500 interest 3.9%
Total: $21,995


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